How it All Started: The Sustain-a-Plate Story

Sustain-a-Plate was founded on a simple truth: food waste is a major problem for grocery stores, costing them billions of dollars each year. According to the USDA, an estimated 133 billion pounds of food are wasted annually in the US alone!!!

Heartland Challenge Team Pic

In 2023, our founders dove into this problem by partnering with retailers and we were shocked to discover that product journeys and expiration dates are often overlooked and lack adequate tracking solutions. Further, with the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act coming into effect in 2026, records of Key Data Elements associated with Critical Tracking Events for certain foods will be required.

Kelsey Talking with a Customer

Grocery stores need to be prepared for this pivotal change in the industry, and Sustain-a-Plate is here to equip them with resources necessary to revolutionize food traceability and launch them to the 21st century where they belong.

Sustain-a-Plate Logo